Council Meeting Notice

You are invited to attend the next member meeting the Pennsylvania State Council of Farm Organizations to be held at the PA Department of Agriculture.

Monday, June 16, 2014

Council Meeting 1:00-3:30 p.m.

Room 202, PA Department of Agriculture


In addition to the business of the Association at the Council Meeting there are several programs based on topics of current interest to PSCFO members:

• Status of Rural Bridges and other Transportation Funding under Act 89
• PA State Budget
• Website for PSCFO
• Food Safety Modernization Act (FDA) Rules

Former PDA official Michael L. Pechart is being invited as a special guest for PSCFO to recognize him for his service to the Commonwealth and to Pennsylvania Agriculture.

As is customary, the agenda will include an opportunity for Council members to share their views and present updates on issues important to them to the Council and top PDA staff.

Please RSVP to Vince Phillips by June 6 and specify which meeting(s) you plan to attend.

Meeting Materials

PSCFO Council Meeting Agenda 06-16-14
PSCFO Council Meeting Minutes 03-31-14