26 North Ninth Street

Lemoyne, PA 17043

717/232-9665  FAX 717/232-7005



The PSCFO Board and Council meetings originally scheduled for November 17, 2014 will not be held due to the meeting change to the earlier date of October 27.

The next Board meeting of the Pennsylvania State Council of Farm Organizations will be January 23, 2015. There will be no meeting of the Council on January 23 although any/all Council members are welcome to attend the Board meeting as non-voting participants. The next Council meeting is our Annual Meeting slated for March 3, 2015 at the State Capitol.  That is also when and where the Cornucopia Reception will take place.

Board Meeting January 23, 2015

BOARD MEETING  10:00 a.m. – 12:00p.m.

Room 202

PA Department of Agriculture


This Board meeting of the PA State Council of Farm Organizations will focus on the Cornucopia and on what issue areas the PSCFO should concentrate in 2015.  Discussed will be facilitation and civil conversation about volatile issues such as GMO labeling.  In addition, the Board will consider a proposed budget for the organization for 2015.

Other topics will also be discussed, including a report by the Nominations Committee on Officer/Board nominees to be voted on in March, a website update from the Communications Committee and more.

Although this notice is two months out, schedules have a way of filling up before one knows it.  Please reserve this date and RSVP your attendance and requests for additional agenda items to Vince Phillips at by November 30.

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